April 03, 2013

don't stop caring for stray animals

I was getting a picture of this big guy sitting on the edge of the pavement when suddenly this girl showed up...

She just touched the dog and he automatically stood up and followed her asking for more petting.

It was so sad watching him watching her leaving.

Just beyond, another stray dog is going to get some human tenderness ...

...before getting a nap under the sun.

"You're a stray dog. We're not playing with you"

It's so hard for everyone to live on the streets.

Tomorrow, it's the Day for Compassion, Caring, and Action for all Stray Animals. But just one day is never enough.


  1. Are stray dogs a common sight on the streets in Greece?

  2. Hi, Deevra! In some spots like that yes, they are. Greek policy about stray animals is totally incomplete but fortunately, people working for the Municipality of Athens take good care of them and they are very friendly.
