April 02, 2014

Flirt in the years of economic crisis

They say that demonstrations harm tourism. I, instead, say that all tourists should protest at least once while in town to catch the spirit of what Athens lives:

But what exactly is crisis?
The chinese word for crisis describes it better.

Protesting in Athens definitely involves both danger and opportunity.
One can suddenly find himself in the middle of violent riots and Molotov-bombs...

...or meeting new people!

In fact, demonstrations attract thousands of young people. Common ideas and common struggles is surely a good issue to start a conversation.

If again, you're totally unaware of what's going on, say something about the music or pretend to enjoy it. It's more likely that at least she'll smile at you.

Flirt in the years of crisis, I guess is simpler and costs less than before.
Of course you don't ask someone on a date saying "let me take you to a protest" but at least fancy cars and Manolo Blanhiks are not of such importance to this generation.

Unemployment is already 27% and young Greeks struggle for their future. They struggle for their right to work and get decently paid. They struggle for their right to live and enjoy life.

Currently, in Greece even smiling and flirting can prove expensive later if you consider that every greek child is born with a debt of over 30.000 euros.

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